Priestley's rational outlook in science carried over to religion 普里斯特利在科学上的理性世界观延伸到了宗教思想上。
Springs and wells were decorated, a custom which was carried over into Christian times in Europe. 泉眼和水井都进行装饰,这个习俗在欧洲一直延续到基督教时代。
The bride was carried over the threshold. 新娘被抱进了家门。
The red army's glorious revolutionary traditions have carried over to the present day. 红军的光荣革命传统一直发扬到今天。
The principles of antisepsis were carried over into the public hygiene. 抗菌法的原则被应用于公共卫生。
This presents a problem because form values aren't carried over the redirect. 这里会有一个问题,因为表单值是无法在重定向过程中传递的。
Usually he walked around threatening the sick men with a strait jacket which he always carried over his arm. 通常他总是转来转去,手臂上搭着一件拘束衣,对病员们虎视眈眈。
The guilt carried over the inability to heal simply causes you more harm. 那种无力治疗自己的罪恶感,实际上会带给你更多伤害。
The report was carried over to the next page. 报告转入下一页。
The other tradition that has carried over from skating is the tradition of pain. 其他的传统,已结转的滑冰是传统的疼痛。
With a structure carried over from the Eastman-Kodak organization, Eastman Chemical Company was heavily divisionalized. 随着伊斯曼-柯达公司组织的结构结转,伊士曼化学公司严重的分权了。
The confidence gained in remedial classes carried over into the children's regular school work. 孩子们在辅导班上获得的自信持续到他们正常的学校学习中去。
And this trend seems to be carried over to Google Talk, the instant messaging client from Google. 而且这一趋势似乎是结转到谷歌谈的即时消息客户端从谷歌。
The same techniques have been carried over into television advertising. 同样的技术被引用到了电视广告中。
The tears have carried over the intermittent heart pain, my good helpless, can only let the tears come to be moist I the eye; 泪水带出了阵阵心痛,我好无奈,只能让泪水来润湿我的眼睛;
When he added up the figures, he carried over the total into the next year's account book. 他将数字总结后转移到下年度的会计帐上。
His ambition carried over into academia where he graduated magnum Cum Laude from Harvard Law School. 他的雄心也体现在了学术方面,他以优等生的身份从哈佛大学法学院(harvardlawschool)毕业。
Adam would have been carried over into the life eternal. 亚当应该被流传在永恒的生命中。
Because a SIP Trunk is not a physical connection, there is no explicit limit on the number of calls that can be carried over a single trunk. 因为一个SIP中继不是物理连接,也没有就可以在一个单一的电话号码进行明确的主干限制。
Unpaid amounts will be automatically carried over to the next month. 未付款的数量将会自动地被继续到下个月。
The bill was carried over by the Senate Transportation Committee. 法案被移交给上议院交通委员会接管。
The store had some women's bathing suits it had carried over from last year. 该商店存有一些去年留下的女游泳衣。
He carried over many of their ideas and terms of expression into Christianity. 他把这些宗教中的许多思想和术语延用到基督教中。
Registration for control state is not carried over from request to request during a postback. 在回发过程中,控件状态的注册无法在请求之间进行传递。
Matters carried over from previous meetings; 前几次会议遗留的事项;
These have been carried over from Dacia Logan MCV and are standard equipment on New Dacia Logan. 这些已进行了从达契亚洛根MCV和上新达契亚洛根标准设备。
Tail set high, tightly curled, and carried over the centerline of the back. 位置高,紧紧的卷在后背,超过背部中心线。
Stresses at work can often be carried over into your home life. 工作中的压力经常会被带到家庭生活中。
Technicians and workers had battled against bad weather to lay the foundations and building materials had been carried over long distances, he said. 技术人员和工作者冒着恶劣的天气已将地基铺设好,建筑材料也从远处运送过来。
When the regretless anticipation that the sea breeze carried over the land the ocean, a moment about a deep breathing, there is filled of unchangeable forever love care for you from the bottom of my heart. 当海风携着没有遗憾的期待飞跃陆地和海洋,深呼吸的瞬间,肺腑中是对你不变的爱和牵挂。